The Ruck is a 30-day challenge for living 4-dimensionally!

More about the Ruck

  • The Ruck is a 30-day challenge for living 4-dimesnionally. There are tasks that you will commit to doing each week in each of the Four-Fires as well as a list of actions you will commit to abstain from for the entire 30-days.

    The Ruck is designed to be a hard reset or a snatching of the wheel to get you out of the ruts that you’ve created in your life.

    • By participating in the 30-Day Ruck you will receive access to a private group within the Four-Fires Tribe with the other men going through the Ruck with you.

    • You will receive a Ruck backpack with a Four-Fires Journal, the 30-Day Ruck workbook, Four-Fires self-assessments, marriage assessments (if you are married), and a Four-Fires patch.

    • If you pass the 30-Day Ruck challenge by completing all the tasks and abstaining from the abstentions for 30-days, you will earn your Ruck patch. The patch will have 1, 2, or 3 stars based on the level of the Ruck you complete.

    • You will receive access to a private chat room to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from the men in your group.

    • You will be given a weekly task list. (hardcopy and via google sheets)

    • You will have access to the weekly zoom meetings led by your Ruck facilitator for encouragement and accountability.

    • Lastly, you will have your own private facilitator to ask questions throughout the entire 30-days.

    The Big Goal!

    The Goal of the Ruck is progress and being directionally correct to the man you want to become. We have high standards but if you fail to earn your patch, you re not a failure. If your actions are making you directionally correct to the man you want to become then that is a success. We’ve had men go through the Ruck multiple times before earning their patch.

  • $349.99

What The Ruck Veterans Say

Upcoming 30-Day Ruck’s

Reserve your spot today!

  • June 2024, 30-Day Ruck (5/31-6/30)

  • August 2024, 30-Day Ruck (8/2-9/1)

  • October 2024, 30-Day Ruck (10/4-11/3)

  • November 2024, 30-Day Ruck (11/1-12/1)

Richard Maddox

“I am more balanced than I’ve ever been.”

David Sturgess

“The Ruck helped me see how much my life revolved around food and emotional eating. When you live intentionally, you don’t allow your emotions to control you.”

John Bourdreaux

“I was in a better place mentally for a business event that I attended because I was in the 30-Day Ruck.”

Greg Moffatt

“I value you men. You’ve been on my mind the past 4-weeks.”